Monday, July 16, 2012

Getting back on track...ReBoot Diet - 30 days for Life

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So we're about a month into summer and the weather is warm just about everywhere.  So as we shed our winter clothes, so must we shed our winter pounds.  The next four weeks is all about rebooting...that is rebooting the metabolism, nutrients, and overall health.

Over the course of four weeks I will introduce you to some great healthy meals and my favorite reboot drink - Magic Green Juice, the elixir of life - and while most of the meals I prepare are healthy and meet the definition of clean eating, this program goes even further.  The concept is to jump start the metabolism, bring the hormones back in balance, take off or put on some weight, and get generally healthy.  This is not a carb-free or gluten-free diet (although the only gluten is in the morning), it's about clean sources of protein and quality nutrients.

The program is about building good eating habits, high nutrition and protein intake from balance sources, and to get some exercise. 

My goal is to get back below 7% body fat, so I need to take off about 14 pounds of fat.  I also don't want to lose any muscle - I worked hard for my 15.5" inch arms (16 and my sports coats don't fit).  I've worked with others using this same program as part of my life coaching series, Life's 7 Summits, and have seen people drop 20 or more pounds in the 30 day period.  

I'll post my complete diet and exercise program under a separate page of the blog (see the right side "Pages" - ReBoot Diet - 30 days for Life). You will also be able to find all of the meal plans and recipes as we go.  I'll feature a different protein each week to show you how you can modify the meals and still reach your goal.   Now for the big question, Yes, I will still be enjoying a glass or two of wine and do a review each week.  Getting healthy doesn't have to boring; besides they say wine is good for you, right?

To keep things interesting, each weekend I will be doing a different day hike.  While I look forward to my daily cardio routine, it is nice to get out for a change of scenery.  And, no hike can be complete without a good trail mix.  So, I'll share with you my easy recipe for a healthy and hearty trail snack to keep you moving.

Like anything, you need to know your goals and understand your qualifying factors.  I am introducing you to some concepts that for many their body may find foreign.  Like they say, before you start any diet or exercise program check with your doctor (I just can't get the lawyer out of me).

With that said, come along with me and let's get started...

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to reading about your hiking adventures and how to make this magic juice.
