Friday, June 21, 2013

A little business trip to Juneau ...

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A unique opportunity presented itself for a little business trip to Juneau, Alaska - which of course I had to say "yes".  You can only get to Juneau by air or sea, there are no land routes as the city is surrounded by significant mountains and more significant ice fields.

Although we are on the cusp of the summer solstice, it can still be cool and down right cold in Juneau; however, this year has been interesting with warm weather and little rain, making for a great time to make the trip.

Juneau is a small community of about 35,000, people that is, and some 20,000 bald eagles and a few thousand black and brown bear. While I didn't cross paths with an brown bears, I did see (from a safe distance or inside a vehicle) several black bears, and the number of eagles of I saw at the base of the glacier was too many to count.  As soon as you leave the downtown area, you are quickly reminded this is a remote wilderness.

Note: When you hotel doesn't have air conditioning and you open the window to get a little air flow, remember to check to see if your room's window is at ground level or might just wake up with a new fury friend joining you.

There are lots of great places to eat or have a drink, but one destination you should make is the Mount Roberts Tramway.  No reservation is generally needed and at the top you can enjoy great views a meal and a beverage.  Since this is Juneau, I had to go with a selection from the Alaskan Brewing Co. of Juneau.

Another recommend for halibut fish and chips is the Sandbar & Grill, located at 2525 Industrial Blvd. just outside of the city center.

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